Flipsticks is a keyframe animation activity that lets you pose and program a stick figure to walk, run, rotate, twist, tumble and dance. You can save your animations to the journal and will soon be able to share them via the mesh. Flipsticks can be used to explore concepts in geometry, computer programming and animation; it helps develop spatial and analytical thinking skills.
Flipsticks ya se piltekitsin kuali tlen tlaixkopinkanextilistli katli mitskauas chiuasse figuraa ika kuatsitsin pampa nejnemis, motlalos, milakatsos, uetsis uan mijtotis. uelis tikajukuis nopa tekitsin yejyektsin ipan Diario uan nimaya uelis tij moyauas ika pan red Malla. Flipsticks uelis chiuas pampa temosconceptos ikageometría, programación de computadoras uan tlaltopaknemili;xipaleui tlen kuali kichiuas se kualitlaixpanili uan tlajnejneuilili.
Flipsticks is a keyframe animation activity that lets you pose and program a stick figure to walk, run, rotate, twist, tumble and dance. You can save your animations to the journal and will soon be able to share them via the mesh. Flipsticks can be used to explore concepts in geometry, computer programming and animation; it helps develop spatial and analytical thinking skills.
Source string description
TRANS: "description" option from activity.info file